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very cool,I'll use it in godot.


the way i gushed when i saw it, importing now!


This is so cute omg, definitely using it for all my prototypes

can you post the .obj version?

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

very cool! gonna use this as a test model when I'm prototyping. Have you considered putting it on the assetlib?

Thank you! It's in the godot asset library too, but it hasn't been tested on Godot4 yet.


It's currently working great on Godot 4.1.1-stable.

This is my favorite model for Godot 3D Platormer prototyping. Please add it on the Asset library. :)


ok, i will use inside unity : )


lol offensive


Thank you very much you are so kind


Thx Aloat Iwill use this on 2d game


Amazing Job on this!

Thank you so much!


I like the naruto run!


This is so awesome. It looks cute!

Thanks for the kind words!